Your Toolbox
The Primal State
The Fog
The Monkey Mind
Spokes in the Wheel
Tools in the Toolbox
Acknowledge / Knowledge / Act
To replace our self-perceived identity; acknowledge the event. Acknowledgement is neither positive nor negative, but it is simply saying this event happened.
The Pause
The Pause is the moment where we have that split second to either blow up or remain calm. It is that one second, we all wish we could go back to, after an ugly blow up. To pin our hopes of making the right decision within one second is not a large enough window for people with damaged brains or past traumatic events. Let’s increase that window of time so we can do the right thing.
Three-Part Breath
Breathing can be done standing in line, in your car or sitting down. It is your way to calm down. One of the most powerful and portable calming exercises is the Three-Part Breath. This exercise has a total of six steps and is comprised of a full inhalation and exhalation, just breathe in and out.
One Positive Thought
The starting point is One Positive Thought. I cannot stress enough this is your starting point. Your positive thought will allow you to begin to overcome anger, depression, etc. It is your anchor when the storm starts to rage.
C-E-N-T-E-R ing
Veterans practice C-E-N-T-E-R ing and get through situations without doing something they will regret later. It works. I use it daily to help me get past the hard times.
SNS versus PNS
The Sympathetic Nervous System [SNS] keeps us on alert, it is our fight or flight response. The Parasympathetic Nervous System [PNS] is the opposing system of the SNS, it is designed to calm the body and relax us. It too sends out chemicals that relax us naturally. You already have a pharmacy inside of you. Learning how to tap into that pharmacy is the key. Mind Nidra will help you move from alert to relaxed.
Mind Nidra Meditation Practice
First, think on this, we cannot calm the storm, stop trying. What we can do is calm ourselves and the storm will pass. Remaining calm is the gift you give yourself. We needed to focus our mind to solve our problems. Mind Nidra is that focus you need. It allows you focus on one thing.
Order a Book by John Ferguson
Living Beyond PTS: Journey towards Peace - A Veteran's Path to Recovery - Through Mind Nidra ISBN: 978-1-7359199-0-4
The Power of Positive: P-O-P ISBN: 978-1-7359199-3-5
Living Beyond PTS: Journey towards Peace - A Veteran's Path to Recovery - Through Mind Nidra 2nd Edition ISBN: 978-1-7359199-8-0