Yoga for Veterans
When one of John Ferguson’s friends suggested he take a yoga class, the Marine Corps veteran’s first thought was, “yeah, right.”
"Ferguson’s goal is, through yoga, to teach a person how to slow down their mind and start to heal. ... Clyde DeWitt Jr., 75, is one of Ferguson’s students. The Yellow Spring, West Virginia, resident served in the Army for 26 years and retired in 1988 as a 2nd lieutenant platoon leader. He served in the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1966 and returned for another tour from 1967 to 1968. DeWitt said that from 1965 until 2010 he didn’t sleep for more than two hours. “The rest of the time I was on guard duty,” he said. ... He started taking classes with Ferguson in December [2016] and now he is getting around six hours of sleep each night. ... 'There is help,' DeWitt said. 'Veterans have to take a step forward and be brave enough to change their lives.' " - Winchester Star
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